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Writer's pictureErin Akey FNC, KNS, PFC

Try These Yummy Nutrient-Dense Nuts and Seeds!

Everyone knows that having a balanced diet full of green vegetables, low sugar fruits, healthy fats, and high-quality proteins is crucial for having good health and promoting longevity. There are groups of foods that are decent sources of macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats, or proteins, but they lack essential vitamins and minerals.


On the other hand, there are food categories that provide not only macronutrients but also micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Some examples of such foods are nuts and seeds, which are full of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and proteins. Here is the list of most nutrient-dense nuts and seeds that supply the body with essential nutrients. An added bonus is that they contain fiber and also provide satiety keeping you full longer. 


Macadamia nuts have the highest fat content among all nuts and seeds. However, they are low in carbohydrates and proteins. Also, macadamias contain large amounts of vitamin B1, manganese, and magnesium. Over half of the fatty acid in macadamia nuts is the monounsaturated fat oleic acid. Due to its fat content, macadamias are compared to olives, which are known to be one of the healthiest foods in the world. There are so many things you can do with them!  Macadamia crusted fish is one of my favorites!

Brazil nuts 

Similar to other nuts, brazil nuts contain significant amounts of healthy fats, fibers, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, brazil nuts stand apart from other nuts since they contain high amounts of organic selenium, which is a potent mineral capable of preventing cancer. Notable physicians claim that daily consumption of an adequate amount of selenium not only helps prevent cancer but also can treat early stages of tumor formation. Many people do not realize that cancer cells feed on carbohydrates and especially sugars.  They are the only cells in the body to require carbohydrates.

Nuts and seeds are AMAZING for health!


As a southern belle I may be biased, but I ADORE pecans!   In the world of nutrition, pecans can be considered as one of the healthiest superfoods of all time. They contain over 19 different vitamins and minerals. Research suggests that pecans can support healthy arteries by lowering LDL cholesterol. Also, they contain anti-inflammatory minerals like magnesium, phenolic antioxidants, oleic acid, and manganese. For those of us with pain issues and auto-immune disease anti-inflammatory properties are super helpful.


Besides being a delicious snack, walnuts can be an alternative to fish oil as they are high in heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. Also, they supply significant amounts of vitamins and minerals such as biotin, copper, manganese, and molybdenum. Many nutritionists believe that walnuts are natural brain busters and suggest eating a handful of walnuts a day. 

Pumpkin Seeds 

Pumpkin seeds are known as nutritional powerhouses because they are high in magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, antioxidants, and phytosterols. From ancient times, pumpkin seeds were used to treat men’s health issues, since pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, which is proved to be an excellent mineral for prostate health. Although nuts and seed are both delicious and nutrient-dense, it is effortless to overeat them and gain weight. Nuts and seeds are high in calories; therefore, it is best to consume these nutrient-rich “bombs” in moderation.


Also, it is best to buy organic nuts and seeds when possible. Buying organic ensures that you will get all the nutritional benefits of nuts and seeds minus possible traces of pesticides and molds. Also, it is best to eat raw nuts and seeds since the roasting process with high temperatures destroys most of the heat-sensitive vitamins and natural oils.


Try adding one of these to your daily diet for nutrition, energy, carb control and most of all TASTE!!!


In Health!


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